Friday, October 24, 2014

Pictures of Our Church Planter Training Course

Things have been crazy busy, but amazingly good here in Tanzania!  And trying to keep up with everything God is doing here + blog has been rather challenging :)  So here are some stories through pictures about some different things that have been happening here over these past few months.

Dolls from America

Our group of church planter trainees bring their students
to our Center for the course.  These kids were in for a huge
surprise when two CMF home office visitors brought them dolls!
Each doll was uniquely dressed, had
different hairstyles and facial expressions

Lacey and Ruth Ann brought such joy to our children - they love their dolls!

Children's Teacher Catherine is teaching the children about
health care!  Our lovely patient, Neema, got in an accident, so
Baraka and Brighton are the emergency personnel to
make sure she gets safely to the hosl
 Learning about Health Care

Nurse Julianna, Patient Neema & Doctor Baraka!

Marriage Celebration

After a week of learning about Biblical Marriage and
Family, the couples in our course re-dedicate their
marriage vows during a celebration ceremony!
Some couples 

Our teachers for this week were Lulu and his wife!
Lulu is on our national leadership team

Then everyone's favorite part - feeding each other cake!!