Today marks the one year celebration of my name (Michelle Elizabeth Moss) being written in the Book of Life!! It was around noon on October 29, 2011 in Pastor Bill's office that I gave my life to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, accepting His gift of salvation. I confessed with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and believed in my heart that God raised him from the dead. - Romans 10:9. It was at that moment that I made the best decision of my entire life!!!!
God has been leading me down His path of righteousness over the past year, pruning me, convicting me of sin, and completely transforming every area of my life! I heard a sermon once where the pastor said that while people can discuss and argue about theology, your own testimony about how Christ changed your life is irrefutable . . . and I completely agree!! While we may be able to have a detailed debate about certain areas of the Christian faith, I look back on my life and am in awestruck wonder of the grace and mercy of God, knowing with complete certainty that it is only through His redeeming power that one year ago I was made a new creation in Christ Jesus.
Words simply cannot express my gratitude and thankfulness for generations of Christians who have shared their faith with others. My decision to become a follower of Christ was possible because for roughly 2,000 years people have been taking the Great Commission seriously, many facing persecution, suffering and even death to share this Good News . I pray God will use me to continue His great work on making His name known to all the nations.
I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. - Philippians 3:7-8
But as for me, how good it is to be near God! I have made the Sovereign LORD my shelter, and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things you do. - Psalm 73:28
Monday, October 29, 2012
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Email Updates Now Available
Hey everyone!! We are really new at this whole blog thing, so we have just figured out how to add a cool new feature you should definitely utilize. At the bottom of our page, you can type in your email address then click submit. This will allow you to get daily email notifications when we add something new to the blog, which will make it easier for you to stay updated when we make a new post! Have a truly blessed day!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Today is my NEW BIRTH DAY! (Megan) On this day 2 years ago, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior! My name was recorded in the Book of Life on 10-3-10. Little to my knowledge then, God had been working on my heart and in my life, getting me to a place where I'd accept His free gift of salvation. I will be eternally grateful for the grace poured out on me by my Heavenly Father. He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to this earth to die, paying the penalty for my sins by His own blood. Then He sent His Holy Spirit to dwell inside of me, leading and directing me through this life. Oh the day when I can see my Maker's face and bow in awe at the foot of His throne.
Birthdays are all about celebration. If you have made Jesus Christ Lord of your life, enjoy today by reflecting on and thanking God for all He has done in your life! If you have not, what are you waiting for? There is new life with Christ. I'm a living testimony of it.
P.S. I hope when we're in Heaven we can celebrate the day of our salvation with Jesus. Oh, what a party it would be!!
P.P.S. I also have to share what I call my "salvation song". It was while this song played at my church, that I surrendered my life to Christ. And, God is so good... I heard it on the radio this morning as I drove to work!! Listen to it here!
If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. -Romans 9:9
Birthdays are all about celebration. If you have made Jesus Christ Lord of your life, enjoy today by reflecting on and thanking God for all He has done in your life! If you have not, what are you waiting for? There is new life with Christ. I'm a living testimony of it.
P.S. I hope when we're in Heaven we can celebrate the day of our salvation with Jesus. Oh, what a party it would be!!
P.P.S. I also have to share what I call my "salvation song". It was while this song played at my church, that I surrendered my life to Christ. And, God is so good... I heard it on the radio this morning as I drove to work!! Listen to it here!
If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. -Romans 9:9
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
After playing with kids all afternoon, plus adjusting to the new time zone, I was more than exhausted when I laid down for bed on Sunday evening. Though my body was ready for nothing more than a good night's rest, my mind was racing with anticipation because the next day I would get to meet the child I sponsor through Compassion International!!
Monday morning we ate, had a daily devotional with all of the BCI staff, and our group headed to the new school - BCI Academy. The Art, Sports, and Music teachers were gone that day, so our group was assigned the task of teaching those subjects for the day!! Though Jessica (our leader) and I came to see the school, we did not stay for the day because we were spending the late morning / early afternoon with our sponsor children!
On our way back to the Guest House we passed roaming donkeys, families building their own homes with scarce supplies, horse carts acting as taxis, small children playing in a garbage dump, and a few stray dogs. Our desolate surroundings really put things into perspective - that although amidst our excitement to meet our sponsor children in person, the poverty that infiltrated everything we saw is still a daily lifestyle for so many people in this world today, including the children we were about to meet.
Though the walk was sobering, my joy and happiness was soon escalated! I was slightly nervous to meet Dereje (pronounced "Dare zh a" - the je is like the ge in beige) because I was super excited and I thought I may frighten him with being a little over-the-top! But the first moment I met him was so absolutely perfect!! We were getting ready to turn to go into the Guest House, but there was a group of people standing on the other side of the street (which did not phase me whatsoever because there are people standing on the streets everywhere). But as I am turning to go into the gate, this beautiful little boy comes running toward me, all of a sudden it "clicked" that this was Dereje!!
I quickly dropped to my knees and wrapped him in my embrace. Both of us were crying and neither in a hurry to let go, but his mom came over and pulled him away so she could give me a big hug! The translator was there, trying to tell me that his mom was so thankful that I came and she loves me and is so happy to see me.
I ran inside to grab my gifts for him and then we were off to spend some time at a local restaurant that had some area to play outside. Dereje was nothing but smiles and he held my hand nearly the entire afternoon!

We took a taxi to Pyramid where he opened his presents, we played on the playground, and I was able to talk with him and his mom through the help of our translator. I was able to see his medical and school records, as well as all of the letters I have written him! The translator used to be a Compassion child and he was able to explain the details of what my sponsorship does for Dereje and what it means to be sponsored as a child. Dereje told me that when he grows up he wants to be a doctor so that one day he can provide for his mom and for me the way that we have provided for him. Praise God for this loving little boy!!
We played for a few hours, then had lunch (him eating a burger and fries while I ate Ethiopian food!!). It was so amazing to see his gentle, loving, and giving spirit. Dereje prayed over our meal and he was always trying to give his food to those at the table so everyone could have a taste. He is such a great big brother and I am so thankful that God led me to this outstanding little boy!
If you ever want to talk about the blessings of child sponsorship, please don't ever hesitate to talk with me! I pray that if you have not yet made a decision to help release a child from poverty in the name of Jesus Christ, that you would do so today!!

God doesn't show favoritism, but in every nation the person who fears God and does righteousness is acceptable to Him. - Acts 10:34-35
Monday morning we ate, had a daily devotional with all of the BCI staff, and our group headed to the new school - BCI Academy. The Art, Sports, and Music teachers were gone that day, so our group was assigned the task of teaching those subjects for the day!! Though Jessica (our leader) and I came to see the school, we did not stay for the day because we were spending the late morning / early afternoon with our sponsor children!
On our way back to the Guest House we passed roaming donkeys, families building their own homes with scarce supplies, horse carts acting as taxis, small children playing in a garbage dump, and a few stray dogs. Our desolate surroundings really put things into perspective - that although amidst our excitement to meet our sponsor children in person, the poverty that infiltrated everything we saw is still a daily lifestyle for so many people in this world today, including the children we were about to meet.
Though the walk was sobering, my joy and happiness was soon escalated! I was slightly nervous to meet Dereje (pronounced "Dare zh a" - the je is like the ge in beige) because I was super excited and I thought I may frighten him with being a little over-the-top! But the first moment I met him was so absolutely perfect!! We were getting ready to turn to go into the Guest House, but there was a group of people standing on the other side of the street (which did not phase me whatsoever because there are people standing on the streets everywhere). But as I am turning to go into the gate, this beautiful little boy comes running toward me, all of a sudden it "clicked" that this was Dereje!!
I quickly dropped to my knees and wrapped him in my embrace. Both of us were crying and neither in a hurry to let go, but his mom came over and pulled him away so she could give me a big hug! The translator was there, trying to tell me that his mom was so thankful that I came and she loves me and is so happy to see me.
I ran inside to grab my gifts for him and then we were off to spend some time at a local restaurant that had some area to play outside. Dereje was nothing but smiles and he held my hand nearly the entire afternoon!

We played for a few hours, then had lunch (him eating a burger and fries while I ate Ethiopian food!!). It was so amazing to see his gentle, loving, and giving spirit. Dereje prayed over our meal and he was always trying to give his food to those at the table so everyone could have a taste. He is such a great big brother and I am so thankful that God led me to this outstanding little boy!

God doesn't show favoritism, but in every nation the person who fears God and does righteousness is acceptable to Him. - Acts 10:34-35
Monday, October 1, 2012
On our way to Kenya, we made a pit stop in London before our evening flight out. It was a great chance to try out my British accent, which varied between British, Irish, Australian, and American all in the same sentence! Needless to say, I’m not very good with accents… Anyway, we toured Windsor Castle which is the oldest and largest occupied castle in the world and the official residence of the Queen. While the splendor and majesty of the castle was definitely a site to see, I couldn’t help the nagging feeling as I passed from room to room that we were in for a wake-up call when we reached Kenya. And I was right. The stark contrast of a room laden from top to bottom with gold to a shack hand-made with sticks and dung depicted the harsh reality of the extreme wealth and poverty in our world.
Full Group at Windsor Castle
Our leaders in England
Once back to the airport, we all tried various ways to get adjusted to the time change. Some couldn’t wait and had to take a nap while others tried to push through and better align their system with Kenya time. By now, we were no strangers to the cold, concrete airport floor. The stress of security and lack of sleep was definitely wearing on the group at this time. Because of the delays of our flight, we were permitted access to the first class lounge, complete with food, showers, massage chairs, etc. Finally, we boarded the plane to Kenya, saying goodbye to our lives of luxury and hello to the reality of how the majority of our world lives.
Sleeping at the Airport
WE MADE IT (and so did our luggage)! We arrived in Kenya at 6am local time and were greeted by Cheryl who took us to Gracia Gardens where we were staying the first few nights. On the drive, through downtown Nairobi, we saw a vast contrast in the income levels there. We saw tin shacks and gated manors in a matter of minutes on our drive. There were quite a few people walking and we were told that some would walk miles to work each day. In place of our nice paved sidewalks, they walked along dirt paths that had been formed by the thousands of steps taken on them each day.
We were finally here. After a long time of preparation, layovers, and multiple flights, we had finally arrived. Little did I know that God was about to radically change my perspective on the world and its people.
For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. -Ephesians 2:10
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