Thursday, August 8, 2013

GOD IS LEADING US TO.............

Our adorable nieces and nephews learning all about.....


God has been moving in our lives in a really awesome way over the last few years.  Megan became a believer in October of 2010 and I gave my life to the Lord October of 2011 AND in October of 2013 we are joining a team of missionaries in Arusha, Tanzania!!  

In June 2012, we went on our first mission trips and God led us both to East Africa - Megan to Kenya and me to Ethiopia. While in adjacent countries at the exact same time, God began opening our eyes to see His global heart.  We came back eternally changed and committed to praying and seeing where He would lead. 

Shortly after, we met with our missions pastor at White River Christian Church, who introduced us to CMF – Christian Missionary Fellowship. After hearing about the ministries in East Africa, we began praying specifically about joining the Tanzania team. And, in the crazy way only God can work things out, we had an opportunity to travel back to East Africa together in February of this year… and we just so happened to make a 3 day stop in Arusha, Tanzania – the exact same town where the team lives!!! Once God opened the door to serving Him in East Africa, He has been continually making every detail fall in place.

CMF is a mobilizing agency compelled by Christ’s love to transform lives and communities around the world. One of CMF’s major strategies is creating indigenous church planting movements. And, the Tanzania team is focused in this. They train and empower national church planters to establish a worshipping community among unreached tribal groups.

Their approach is holistic ministry – taking care of both spiritual and physical needs. In addition to training national church planters, team members also strive to reach the local community of Arusha. Megan, with her background in agricultural accounting will be working on farming and micro-enterprise projects. Also, Michelle with her legal training and passion for justice will be doing outreach to widows and orphans and coordinating child sponsorship programs.

In the few short years that we’ve followed Jesus, He has radically transformed our lives to live with an eternal purpose - saying yes to whatever, wherever, whenever He leads. So with much prayer and confirmation over the last year, God is leading us to serve Him in Tanzania for one year beginning in October!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

DONE WITH THE BAR EXAM & my relationship with the Lord couldn't be better :)

I've spent the last 2.5 months studying ~10 hrs/day, 5 days/week (usually getting in some extra hours of studying on the weekends).  Studying for the bar exam consumed my life and I was struggling to find a balance of working hard for the Lord and yet giving Him control over my studies.  It was a really hard 10 weeks, usually filled with me getting to the end of my day and realizing I had been so focused on studying that I had failed to keep my eyes fixed on Him and His promises.  I found myself agitated and and constantly thinking selfish thoughts about how important my studies were, which was usually at the expense of those I love most, unfortunately.

BUT all of this work, sweat, tears, etc. came down to two days (July 30th & 31st).  Though I may have done a terrible job relying completely on the Lord for the last 3 months, He is faithful even when we are faithless.  Over the last three days, my intimacy with God has been inexplicable.  He has shown Himself in mighty ways and through His Word He is reminding me that no matter how long it takes for us to "get it right," He is forever loving and true.  I have also been more fully comprehending that this walk of faith is not about "doing things right," it is about doing things with Him.

SO, on Monday I woke up to sweet notes from my AMAZING sister giving me lots of encouragement.

sweet words to give me confidence
great reflection

Then it was off to downtown Indy for the exam!  In all honesty, the test was extremely difficult.  I felt unprepared for a majority of the information, BUT God was with me through it all!  He gave me peace and has helped me rest assured that it is in His hands, and He is totally in control.  No matter what, He is good and I will put my trust completely in Him, even in the midst of adversity!

Overall, a great experience to draw me closer to the True Judge who is Sovereign over all!!