Friday, November 30, 2012

Sending Gifts to Ethiopia this Christmas!

On the plane ride home from Ethiopia, I felt conviction that I am not to receive any Christmas presents this year...I was unsure where God was going with this, so I just wrote it down in my journal and since that time I have been praying for Him to show me the purpose behind asking this of me. Through a few divine appointments, God has really shown me that instead of me receiving any gifts this year, I am going to be asking friends and family to donate gifts and money to send every child (~200) in the BCI program a Christmas present. Yes, every child!!  God has given me a lofty goal, that can only be fulfilled through prayer and trust that He will be the one who makes this all come together.

Please see the newsletter below for specific prayer requests for this project and more details if God is prompting you to get involved in sending Christmas cheer overseas this season.  I look forward to sharing with you about how God moves in this project!

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