Friday, October 25, 2013

Celebrating God's Design for Marriage and Family!

Last Friday, Megan and I were able to experience a great celebration where our church planter trainees re-dedicated their love for God and for one another.  It was like having 6 weddings in one day :)  We've had the privilege of getting to know these families and have felt so welcomed by all the babas (fathers) and mamas (mothers).

After lunch we met next to the classroom and then the families made their procession into the bonda (roofed sitting area)...all were wearing their best outfits!  We began by singing praises to God, and let me tell you, this is the kind of music that sets your spirit on fire for the instruments, no fancy lyrics, just one person leading and others repeating with rich harmonies in a different language that gives you a glimpse of heaven!  Then, couple-by-couple, they stood up to re-declare their love for one another and dedication to having a marriage that glorifies God.

 Hearing about how seriously they take their marriage was a huge testimony.  Literally every person talked about how they had prayed to God for their husband or wife and all praised God for the one they have!  In this culture, where women are usually viewed lower than property, to hear the admiration, affection, and appreciation from the husbands toward their wives was a true testament to Jesus Christ being first and foremost in their lives and family.  The men even brought gifts for their wives!

THEN, we experienced eating cake....and this is quite different than anything we have ever seen!!  One person is appointed to cut the cake, while everyone else sings the cake song!  Then, each piece of cake is put on a toothpick and everyone takes turns feeding each other!  So the couples went first and it was so funny because usually the pieces are very small, bite-size, but there was a lot of cake so the pieces were quite huge....which made for some hilarious cake-feeding!

One of the amazing things to see was how the women here respect their husbands.  When they receive something from their husband, they "curtsey" to show their respect.  One of the husbands was a true reflection of Jesus when he bent down to the same level as his wife to show his love equals her respect!


All the while, these children are waiting so patiently!

FINALLY, they got some too!

After the festivities, we all went out and took some family pictures in front of Mt. Meru!

It was an amazing day to thank God as brothers and sisters in Christ!!  We are so thankful for all the things He put in place for us to be here with these people, for such a time as this!!  Together, we serve an amazing God!!

Please join us in praying for these families as they finish their last few weeks of training!  In mid-November, they will be going into some highly-persecuted areas to tell others about the Good News of Christ!  Let us gather around them as the Body to pray that God will do a mighty work for His Kingdom through them all!


  1. So love this. Thanks for sharing and glad to have specific prayer requests. We have your newsletter next to our prayer board and prayer for you all every morning. God bless you both!

  2. How awesome! May God use these marriages to increase His kingdom!
