Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Praying Through Your Clothes

I'm reading a book titled "Western Christians in Global Mission" and it has been challenging the way I think and how I act with respect to my national co-workers.  Though I am living in a different country, speaking a different language, and doing life in a different culture, I am learning new ways to expand my Christian worldview through this book.

As I flipped through the pages, drinking my cup of Tanzanian coffee and underlining key points with my pencil, I came across a convicting way of praying for the nations.  I've heard of praying through the news (when reading headlines or watching the TV following that time with praying for those stories, especially the global aspects), but the author talked about "praying through your clothes."

He writes, "A few years ago it dawned on me that I could enlarge my global praying by praying for the country on the label of my clothes.  In other words, the world is in my closet."  In expanding our prayer life beyond our own territorial borders, God creates in us His compassion for people all around the world.

So, I put my book down, raced upstairs and grabbed each article of clothing I wear every day.  I found out that my skirt was made in Vietnam, my t-shirt in Honduras, my underwear in Thailand, my bra in Cambodia, and my shoes in China!!  The diversity stunned me and invigorated me to pray for the people in Vietnam who worked to make my skirt, those in Honduras, in Thailand, Cambodia, and China.  I pray that these people will come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

This idea has transformed the way I used to do a monotonous task every single day.  It is fun and challenging, informative and yet sometimes I struggle with what to pray because I literally have no concept of what this person's life is like.  But God is using this to expand my view of the world and crafting in me His heart for the nations!!

I want to challenge you - tomorrow morning when you get dressed, take a moment, look at the tags, and pray.....pray through your clothes!  How awesome would it be if during the Great Celebration in Revelation 7:9 you are standing next to the guy from Honduras who made your t-shirt, that through your prayers he became a follower of Jesus Christ?  Isn't that reality worth five minutes in your closet each morning?

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