Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Meet the Youngest Worker at our CMF Training Center.... YOSIA!

Look who greeted me this morning riding on the back of his mother. Yosia is now 3 months old and since his mother, Joyce, has returned to work in the little store at our gate, Yosia comes to work too! This little bundle of joy has come a long way to the smiling boy he is today. Yosia was born prematurely, which was a very scary time for all of us here. Michelle and I were able to visit them in the hospital where Yosia was in an incubator, which in Tanzania means a very, very hot room with about 20+ other premies. It was such an eye-opening experience for us and as we prayed for growth and healing, little Yosia made it through. Now, he has grown into a little chunker and  is such a blessing to see each and every day! We praise God for our little miracle, Yosia.

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