Monday, March 16, 2015

if home is where the heart is...

If home is where the heart is . . . then I must have a lot of homes!  I became more aware of this fact over the past few months.  As we traveled from place to place in the U.S., visiting with friends and family we love and miss so much, it felt like we left little pieces of our heart everywhere we went.

The paradox is that while in America, we miss our friends and people who have become our family here in Tanzania.  But while here in Tanzania, we miss our friends and family back in America.

Don't get me wrong, life gets busy and quite frankly, being sad isn't an emotion I enjoy I tend to let myself get caught up in the here and now and may not do the best job at communicating how much I miss and love those back home.  (There it is again...that tricky word with so much meaning!)

I love this life and find the most fulfillment in being a missionary in Tanzania right now because I am 100% confident this is exactly where God wants me.  And because I'm right where I'm supposed to be, I am able to experience the fullness of what the Lord has for me.  But it is hard.  It is a heart-wrenching, tear-filled, hollow-feeling sort of experience to say goodbye for 2 years...that's over 100 weeks, over 700 days, over 20,000 waking hours that I'm not physically there to hug you, wrestle you, do airplane with you, color with you, chat in the car with you, play charades with you, watch a movie with you, and simply be with you.

However, I cherish the moments I spent at all my homes while back in the U.S., and I do agree with the idiom that, in fact, home is where the heart is.  And I am privileged to have so many homes, because here is where my heart is:

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