Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Our first full day in Ethiopia was Sunday!!  I was really looking forward to worshiping with fellow believers and experiencing their church services.  Our group of eight split into smaller groups and children from the BCI program came to take us to their churches in the morning.  Three of us went to Emmanuel Church with Mekedis and Adana (sister and brother).  In order to get there, we walked from the side street to the main road for a taxi.  The taxis in Debre Zeit are more like vans with a sliding door that a young boy opens and closes, while collecting money.  Church was in a room with tarp walls, wooden benches, and gravel/dirt floor. 

The service consisted of a pastor leading prayer for about 1 hour, worship for about 1 hour, and preaching for about 2 hours!!  It was so amazing to experience the atmosphere in that place, sensing the Spirit's presence even though I couldn't understand what others around me were saying.  It was so awesome to remember how great God is, that He hears each of us, no matter where we are, or what language we speak!!

Worship was fantastic to experience, everyone had their eyes closed and you could just sense the intimacy those around you were experiencing with our Creator.  That they were in no way concerned by what others around them were doing, but to focus solely on the object of their praise.  After the praying and worshipping, we decided to go with the children to their lesson time.  We met Getu, one of the BCI social workers, and he had us lead some songs with the kids!  They were so well-behaved for sitting still in a small room for about 2 hours.

Another aspect of church in Ethiopia that struck me was how even though these people had just been in church for roughly four hours, no one was in a rush to leave.  People mingled and had great fellowship, as if there was no place they would rather be than at church. 

After church we had a coffee ceremony at the BCI foster home (coffee is Ethiopia's main crop and their customary way to welcome guests is with a coffee ceremony where they roast the beans, grind the beans, and brew the coffee - all by hand).  They even let me try to grind the coffee!!

 After drinking some amazing coffee and eating popcorn, we had a great time playing with the kids!  Bubbles were a huge hit with Fikir and Haben (two little girls), the older kids enjoyed the soccer and volleyball, while the babies (Ribirra and Joy) were infatuated with the cameras! 

 Praise God for these beautiful children, and a great first day in Ethiopia!!

Always be full of joy in the Lord.  I say it again - rejoice! Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do.  Remember, the Lord is coming soon. - Philippians 4:4-5

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