Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Will You Please Partner With Us In Prayer?

We would greatly appreciate it if you would
support us through prayer during our trip in
February. Here is our itinerary and a list of
specific requests. THANK YOU!
  • Now - 1/30 – please pray for the salvation of the people we will meet during our time in Africa
  • 1/30 – please pray for safe travels to Europe, then Africa
  • 1/ 31 – please pray we smoothly adjust to the time change
  • 2/1 & 2/2 – please pray for the Maasai we meet this day and that they would be receptive to     Farming God’s Way
  • 2/3 – please pray for spiritual refreshment at church
  • 2/4 – please pray we travel into Tanzania w/o any issues
  • 2/5, 2/6 & 2/7 – please pray that God’s Will is made known and put into action during the ECHO Hunger Conference
  • 2/8 – please pray for our attitudes toward one another during the bumpy bus ride back to Kenya
  • 2/9 – please pray for our time to meet and talk with Megan’s sponsor child, James & his family this day
  • 2/10 – please pray for an amazing last day for Michelle
  • 2/11, 2/12 & 2/13 – please pray for Megan & the group finishing physical labor of planting at the boarding school
  • 2/14 & 2/15 – please pray for Megan to have an amazing time winding up her trip in Nairobi & safe travels home
  • 2/16 - 2/23 – please pray for our transition back to the U.S.
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.
Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.
– Philippians 4:6

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