Wednesday, June 5, 2013

"I have decided to follow Jesus" - The International History Behind the Impactful Hymn

During our time with the children in Africa, it is always fun to sing with them because they are taught Christian songs in their native language and in English (which is really nice when there is a language-barrier)!  One song that the children always know is "I have decided to follow Jesus."  The beautiful sounds of their sweet voices resound in my mind every time I hear the song. 

The flag of IndiaToday, I came across the story about the creation of this famous hymn.  All praise and glory to God that the development occurred during an advancement of the Gospel in India (one of the most un-reached countries in the world)!!  The lyrics are the words spoken of a recent believer, who would not renounce his faith in Christ, resulting in the death of his children, wife, and himself.  Take five minutes and read this article about how God moves in the midst of persecution. 

Please pray for believers in India who are facing persecution today.  Pray that the Lord would strengthen them and give them His peace that passes all human understanding.  Pray that God will be glorified through their dedication to worshipping Him!

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