Sunday, September 15, 2013

Blessings Beyond Belief: The Amazing Way God Has Been Providing These Last Few Weeks

I'm sitting at the computer trying to put into words what God has done in our lives over the last 4 weeks, and the problem is that it is rather indescribable!!!  A blog post simply won't give Him enough GLORY!  We started this journey of joining the CMF Tanzania team knowing that God wanted us there in October....and for Him to do that in such a short amount of time, He was really going to have to show off.  I mean seriously, we would need to raise support in less than 2 months, a process that usually takes missionaries 2 years to complete.  Again, it was going to have to take God showing up in a huge and mighty way.....and WOW - He certainly has done exactly that!

In a 20-day time period, God took us from 19% to 80% funded....and now, we are currently at 86%!!  Literally, this dramatic increase can only be explained through God and His AMAZING GRACE!  The great part of this 86% is that it is comprised of 58 individuals and 3 churches who are all dedicated to partnering with what God is doing in Tanzania!!

Some of the coolest experiences over this period of partnership development have been:

  • meeting with a couple who had already made out the checks before we arrived to talk about the ministry in Tanzania...oh and we had really only met them a few short times, meaning they didn't even know us and their decision to give significantly had absolutely NOTHING to do with us, what we said, or what we did - it was ALL GOD!!
  • hearing back from students who are still paying for school and yet are feeling led to donate towards the ministry
  • names of people we don't even know showing up on our contribution report - only God could explain these people deciding to give :)
  • the father of a friend, whose only interaction with us was a brief introduction one Sunday morning, decided to join our ministry team as a monthly supporter!!
  • meeting with people who so fervently want to give financially, but who are unable to do so at this time, and reminding them that this journey is also about raising up a team of prayer warriors that will intercede and ask for God's will to be done throughout the world.
As we were reminded today, God is writing a story in our lives and the best part about this story is that He is getting all the glory!  


  1. Woo hoo!!! I smiled as I read this; it is so encouraging to see how God goes before us and prepares the way! And this is just the very beginning of the journey!

    1. YAY!! Love you Aimee! How is your support raising journey going?

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Sheila!! Or is it Sheyla?? So sorry if we have been spelling your name incorrectly all this time :)

  3. Michelle,
    You've been on my mind and in my prayers. I'm going to miss you at the October 25th Oath Ceremony! Please drop me a line when you have a chance. And, thanks for the prayers during the Bar Exam...lots to tell you!
    Big hug and God's peace on you....keep up the good work!
    William Morris

    1. William!!! Thank you so much! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! My whole family was so excited that you passed the exam!!! I was scanning for your name as well as mine :) Definitely have an amazing time at the Ceremony. I opted to defer my induction for one year while I am in Tanzania - so no CLE headaches in Africa! Thank you, thank you!! Will email soon! So great to hear from you!
