Monday, May 26, 2014

Digo of Tanzania

A few years ago, Michelle learned about an organization known as the Joshua Project that is committed to sharing information about people groups around the world with the fewest Christ followers. She subscribed to their daily emails, committing to pray for the world's unreached. Recently, she received this email about the Digo of Tanzania. It was just so exciting that I had to share...


Today I am refreshed with encouragement in the job we have here. As the CMF Tanzania Church Planter Team, our work is to train Tanzanians to reach the unreached people of their nation with God's message of Good News and salvation in Jesus Christ.  Please pray with us today for God's Word to go forth to the Digo of Tanzania, and especially for our 3 families who carry out this task each and every day. Their names are Andrea & Martha, Yacobo & Eva, and Lenard & Selina! They could use your prayers for encouragement and endurance. I'm just so excited!! They are actually doing it... reaching the unreached!!

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Digo of Tanzania
More than 175,000 Digo are concentrated on the northern coastal strip of Tanzania from the town of Tanga to the border of Kenya. They inhabit the fertile plains of the Pangani River. Their culture generally regards women as childlike and irresponsible. Digo women do much labor, but are excluded from participating in politics, religion, kinship issues, and major economic transactions. As they are the only Mijikenda tribe to be almost totally Muslim the Digo often consider themselves superior to other Africans in their area.
Ministry Obstacles
The Digo are proud of their early adherence to Islam, seeing themselves as models for other tribes in the area.
Outreach Ideas
The New Testament is available in the language of the Digo and persecution of Christians has lessened recently. Pray that nearby believers will take advantage of these facts.
Pray for the followers of Christ
There may be no followers of Jesus among the Digo of Tanzania. But pray for those whom the Lord will soon draw to himself, that they will not mix the purity of the Gospel with a religion of works. They will need teachers to help them.
Pray for the entire people group
Pray for the women in Digo society, that they will be honored and treated with kindness.
Scripture Focus
"And to Him was given dominion,Glory and a kingdom, That all the peoples, nations, and men of every language Might serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion Which will not pass away; And His kingdom is one Which will not be destroyed." Daniel 7:14

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Presented by Joshua Project

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