Friday, August 1, 2014


Tuesday afternoon we made the long trek to the KIA Airport to send our awesome interns, Lauren Kolenda and Sarah Underwood, back to the U.S.!

Our goodbyes pretty much summed up the summer - we spent an hour in the car laughing hysterically about sly jokes by Lauren and ridiculous statements coming out of Sarah's mouth :)  Okay, maybe I was the one saying crazy things...but we sang some "Let's get down to business, to defeat.....the Huns!" on the way there and were were giggling so much that the difficulty of the situation wasn't as hard to deal with.

We gave teary goodbyes because these girls have been such a sweet addition to our Tanzania team, and specifically, to our lives!  They worked side-by-side with Megan and me every day for two months and it was really sad to see them leave.

As we watched them stand in line....praying their bags wouldn't be overweight, getting their tickets and passing through immigration, we waved our final goodbyes before the turned the corner to head to their plane.  I turned to leave and Megan stopped me, saying we should wait at least for a few more minutes just in case they come back and need something.  When I tried to leave again after about 3 minutes, she was not budging.  Finally, I patted her on the arm and said in the most sarcastic tone I could muster, "gotta let 'em go, Meg....gotta let em' go."

But in all reality, it was super hard to say goodbye.  We love these girls and had such a great time getting to know them, working with them, and just sharing life together!

Please pray with us for Lauren and Sarah as they transition back into life in the U.S.  From the smallest details of cooking dinner and using the bathroom, to the biggest like the driving situation......A LOT of things are different from where they've been the last two months to where they are returning.  Life is going to be hard for them - someone is going to ask a question that makes them want to flip out, or cry, or maybe laugh hysterically.  Family in the U.S. is GREAT, but it is so hard when you feel like you have family back in TZ.  Pray that their time at school is exciting not daunting, that their reunion with friends and family is soothing to their souls not emotionally difficult, and that when they think about Tanzania and their family here that they have peace not pain.

A final huge thanks to Lauren and Sarah for their awesomeness this summer - love you girls!

Day 1 in the country outside their home!
Sara and Lauren with their Maasai beads!

Our first photo together all was 2 days before they left :)

The Tanzania Team!!

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