Tuesday, June 18, 2013

With Jesus We Will Never Thirst Again....Give A Gift of Living Water Today!!

Many have heard the story of Jesus and the woman at the well.  In John's gospel, we learn that Jesus is our Living Water and when we drink of Him, we will never be thirsty again AND this water will become a well inside of us, springing into eternal life!

How crazy does it sound that in 2013, there are still millions of people in the world who do not have access to clean drinking water AND do not have access to the Living Water that Christ offers?  This is not something we regularly think about, but today I read a story about a woman named Suprita who walked through mountainous terrain every day only to retrieve stagnant water that was polluted by dead animals and human waste....and as I read how her life was transformed through a Christian organization bringing clean water to her village, I realized that Jesus' words are as applicable today as they were two thousand years ago!  

Jesus Wells is transforming entire communities through their ministry of constructing wells.  How amazing is it that we can meet physical needs of fresh water AND meet spiritual needs of giving Living Water to these people as well!  Jesus Wells "not only give entire communities the clean water that is so desperately needed, but they also provide opportunities for missionaries to build relationships and share the hope of Christ with the people in the village."

Gospel for Asia prioritizes providing Jesus Wells to the Dalit people (considered "untouchable" due to their low social status) who are precluded from using public wells.  Much like the Samaritans of Jesus' day (the woman was so surprised the Jesus gave her the time of day - John 4:9), the Dalits need to be shown the love of Jesus and given clean Living Water in the process!

You can support a current campaign to provide a Jesus Well to a village OR maybe even start your own campaign!!  Let's rally together as the Body of Christ to be His hands and feet in giving clean water and access to His Living Water today!

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